Education Mission Statement

Through our educational work and projects we aim to shake up and challenge people’s preconceived ideas about woodlands – the who, what and why. Our mission is for people to see sustainability in action, to be engaged in meaningful work and to learn that woodlands can deliver on conservation and well-being as well astimber production.

CCC specialise in creating content that;

  • Promotes forestry and woodland management to under represented groups in the sector, in particular women and girls
  • Using the Arts and heritage crafts to explore woodland ecology & challenges
  • Promote the use of off-grid technologies & opportunities
  • Develop Interactive well-being experiences.

Why Bother?

Woodlands take a long time to grow so its essential to take a long term view. All our hard work here becomes pointless unless we can inspire the next generation to carry on the work we have started.

We give participants new skills as well as boasting their self-confidence, perhaps creating a new breed of woodland workers or least people with an understanding and connection to trees & forests.

We have worked in partnership with a number of outside organisations to deliver our workshops and projects including DAISI (Devon Arts in Schools Initiative), Dance in Devon, Art Trek, The Silvanus Trust, North Devon Biosphere Foundation and are currently in discussions with Small Woods Association.

We have been funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, Awards for All and Arts Council, England.
