Shinrin-Yoku is Japanese, it’s literal translation means ‘taking in the forest atmosphere through our senses’. In English this often gets shortened to Forest Bathing.

But, it’s one that is often misunderstood, it is more than just spending time in Nature. It’s about how we spend our time. It is not a passive activity but an active engagement connecting or re-connecting with Nature.

The well-being benefits have been well documented; it helps lower blood pressure, reduce cortisol levels, improve self confidence, create a relaxed state of mind, & boosts the immune system to name a few.

Shinrin-Yoku was originally developed in Japan in the 1980’s following scientific studies conducted by the government. It is an evidence-based approach encouraging people to positively engage with Nature, trees, woodlands and forests in particular.

Together we will walk, pause, breathe & explore the ‘wildness’ in and around Courage Copse and within ourselves. The sessions will be a mix of nature
connection, breathing techniques, mindfulness practices, gentle stretching
and FUN!

The sessions are lead by Katy, a yoga teacher with nearly 25 years teaching experience, a trained Shinrin-yoku practitioner & Natural Mindfulness guide.

Monday Evenings (Summer time only, May to July)

  • 6 – 8pm

Wednesdays – all year

  • 10am – 12noon

Price per session

  • £2 concession
  • £6 standard
  • £10 pay it forward (supplementing a concession place for another)

Book by emailing Katy on